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I would never go back to this nail salon, there is no customer service here whatsoever and was disgusted how I was spoken to..but then you get what you pay for...for £15 I had acrylic refills and asked for a light pink varnish to then be painted over the top of my china whites. When the man supposedly finished filing my nails I pointed out (very nicely I might add) that they were all different lengths, with that a Chinese woman jumped in who was with another customer (and was rude to me in front of a shop full of customers) that when the pink was painted over you wouldn't see the whites..I explained I was getting a light pink over the top so of course you would see the whites hence they had to be the same lengths..she them mumbled something in Chinese to the man, she sat back down and he carried on..I was shocked by the way she spoke to me and I had no apology after...hence why I will never go back (and I still very wasn't happy with the lengths so did them myself back home!)

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