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Useless in every sense of the word: Incompetent and unresponsive with terrible customer service. I'll give just a few examples of the multitude of things that they did wrong in our time there: -Our shower broke, and despite daily calls reminding them of the importance, they took over a week to fix it. -Deposit recovery system was an utter joke; they didn't input our (clearly written) email addresses correctly so we didn't receive any correspondence from the protection service. It then took them over 3 weeks to pass on the deposit ID (again with constant contact) so we could check the situation ourselves. As I write we're still waiting for our deposits, months after the end of our tenancy. -They wrongly accused my housemate of not paying rent on two occasions, despite him setting up the standing order and informing them many times. There were several other issues, but frankly they don't deserve any more of my time. I think you get the picture - This company is absolutely awful, avoid at all costs.

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