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Ugh ... where do i begin? I’ve just had the most horrendous experience - absolutely shocking !! When asking for a salted caramel latte, i was not greeted with a friendly smile whatsoever by the woman in the cafe (the guy was lovely), but rather was greeted with a cold bitter stare. I noticed my coffee was not up to standards with what i withmessed in the displayed picture - i asked for whipped cream, which was not offered to me, and this short haired blonde woman had the audacity to give me a glare, followed by the tiniest amount of whipped cream i have ever received. Not only this but also the coffee was absolutely revolting, it tasted like cholera infected water???? Furthermore, the food, not only was overpriced as was everything else in ther shop, but also tasted of plastic - i did not want to pay £7 for these two pieces of depression.    17-11-17
Tags: yuck
